Food is Light 
Compiled by Walter Sorochan Emeritus Professor San Diego State University

Posted August 02, 2019; updated October 18, 2021.

Food: What is it? What is the best food to eat?

hamburger1food fruits_grains_vegs

Food isn't really meat, chicken, apples, lettuce or nuts.  And it is more than fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals! So what is it?

The answer may be found by studying how food originated millions of years ago.

As life on earth evolved billions of years ago in the ocean, a simple one celled organism, an algae or sea weed evolved. This sea weed eventually transformed into a bacteria algae that was able to make its own food. Yes, it was able to use a chemical form of photosynthesis that plants use today to make food.  This helped the hybrid bacteria-seaweed known as spirulina to survive.  Many years later, this spirulina evolved into land plants that also were able to make their own food as starch. The rest of evolution history is obviously water plants migrating to land and eventually becoming land organisms.  But, most of these land animals had limited ability to synthesize their own food, so land animals became dependent on plants and other animals for survival. 

sun Dchloro-photosynthesisThis short and simple archiological explanation needs more light on the subject of food. When the algae in the water evolved there was plenty of water, carbon, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and minerals in the environment.  It was sunlight that ignited the chemical process of photosynthesis [animation on right]. Sunlight was in the form of vibrating wave energy known as photons. Spirulina and plants were able to use the photon energy to create photosynthesis and make plant food as we know it today. We call it food, but it should be called food light as all food comes from the sun's light vibrating photons.

Humans were able to absorb photons through the skin and eyes. This is still happening in such a silent and mysterious way that we humans are not aware of it.  But ancient people were aware that somehow there was energy in the sunshine that helped plants to grow as food and also keep people warm, healthy and survive. Ancient people throughout the world were aware of the power of sunlight but did not have the science to understand such power.

Today, scientists now understand that the skin has fat cells that can absorb the photons and synthesize hormone D, previously incorrectly referred to as vitamin D.  Photons enter the eyes, travel to the pineal gland where they synchronize night and day activity and sleep or circadian rhythms. They have discovered that photons are stored as energy DNA in fresh raw plants. When we eat fresh raw vegeatables and fruit the same day these are harvested, we also eat stored photon energy.  Recent science has identified these photons as exosomes that have RNA messages for disease and health. But photons and exsomes are lost when we eat plants that have been harvested and sit around for many days. 

It is the photons or vibrating light waves that light up the human body, turn the on/off switches and provide healing and life. These are mysteries that most medical doctors and others are not willing to accept or just not aware of. But in spite of our advancements in technology, modern science and medicine, we are still in the dark ages in really understanding the unifying impact between all living things and how we as humans resonate with earth, the sun and other living things.

Now you may appreciate the author's term of food light instead of just food. All food really comes indirectly from the sun. Humans are light! Food light should have aroused your curiosity for more information about sunlight, photons and food. 

You can get more information about sunshine, photons and life by clicking on: photons and life

You can get a brighter understanding of how plants, animals, humans and sunlight evolved on earth by clicking on: Health and survival

For more information about food, click on:   Food menu

Have a great sunny day and search for the truth.